The Big Update Part 2: The Cartoons

In true Saint Damascus form, here are some weird or funny cartoons:

It's daylight savings!
Sometimes everything just feels very big and I feel very little.
Daily Doubts

I'm not entirely sure what's happening here.

This is annoying because I have absolutely no need for an ipad at all. There is no reason for me to want an ipad expect that they are shiny & I do what I want. That is so crappy. Sometimes I think "I should give away all of my things and run into the forest forever so I can avoid all of these privileges I did nothing to deserve".

Pffft That's never gonna happen.

(Hey, the dinosaur cartoon & beautifully illustrated cartoon at the end of this post are by other artists! Not me!... I wish they were by me)

Comic by Lonely Dinosaur T-shirt company

One of the most emotive, striking, truthfully sad series of illustrated images I've ever seen about a big heavy all encompassing feeling most of us know too well.
By Sylvie Reuter.

The Big Update Part 1: College Progress Report

Oh, hello!

I have indeed been a busy pickle.

Here is a graph that shows what I've been doing for the last month:

I've decided to cut into my sleep time to bring you this big 3 part blog post, because who needs sleep when you can coffee!

So let me show you what I've been up to at College. I have been doing lots of drawings! 

Zombies for a Campaign to get teenagers to live without mobile technology.
Quick messy drawings scanned into photohop.

These crazy characters are for an alternative comedy channel website!

Making a desktop background based on the word "soft".
I had major troubles with the scanner when making this, so it's not quite how I want it to look.

Learned how to make gifs! Woooooo! Gifs!
Here are my first ever slightly clunky gifs:

I've done a bunch of other stuff as well, but drawing is my favourite!

Now look, I know that these may not seem very swish or impressive, but I think for a baby graphic designer such as myself, it's not a bad effort. 

My portfolio will be far more impressive once I have finished the course obviously, I just thought you might want to see my progress! 

Also I completed a project over the weekend which is in fact VERY swish and impressive (if I do say so myself) but I am going to dedicate a whole blog post to that assignment. 

Did you know that this course is only 3 months long? I will be graduating in December! 
How crazy is that!? 

I am at school Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5pm & every minute my brain is being mashed full of crazy new informations. It's awesome. My head is completely exploding, but in a really good way. 

Stay tuned for the big update part 2: The Cartoons.

In between times + College update.

I have been at College for 1 week and 2 days and let me tell you, my brain has never had to work so hard in my entire life. It's FANTASTIC, but I am also FRANTIC! So much work, absolutely no time.

I'm waking up much, much earlier; however I'm still going to bed at midnight. 
Foolish Bekky. Real foolish.

I haven't been able to put together a flowing story for you, so here are some quick scribs that I've managed to do when I find a cheeky 5 minutes!
There's a bit of anxiety in there, I think it's just because of the major transition I'm going through. College is going really well,  I'm not too anxious about that...

Well, just a little bit.

I just want to do really well.

I wanna make you guys proud of me!
Mum look!
I'm doing "Homework"!
(This is a new thing for me)

1 week of college down. Here's a quick look at what I've been making!



I got really, really nervous on my first day of college. Really nervous...

I am currently working on a story about a thing that happened to me in a bar.

It's not easy being in a bar when you're not a drinker.

Here are the first 2 panels from my story:

My Timeline.

Okay, so I don't remember my life very well.
All the memories just mash together & I have no idea what age I was when things happened.

I think I've figured out a little mental health timeline that occurs between age 13 & my current age (23).

I was a pretty quirky child. I was weird & dramatic. 
I still am weird & dramatic don't get me wrong, but something strange happened when I was 14.

I often felt sick in my stomach & I started having anxiety attacks. 

I started to feel sick every day.

I started to have anxiety attacks every week.

Then I started to shut down.

I was overwhelmed by everything.

Then I got really bad.

Somewhere around this time I cut my hair.

Then I was on antidepressants

Then I didn't feel anything anymore.

Not depressed. 
Not anxious. 
Not sick. 
Not happy. 
Never excited. 
Not content. 


I was on antidepressants for a couple of years.

Then I decided I was ready to feel things again.

A couple of years later, I started to think back on the fuzzy memory-blob of years I was depressed...

Then I started to draw cartoons about it.
The more I draw, the more I slowly understand what was happening to me.

Click for Bigness.
If you are feeling the bad feelings, please pop along to your doctor to get a referral to a mental health professional, because those guys are tops. 

Bad News.

Oh, I might just check the news...

Double Murder & a man shot dead by a Police Officer.

A woman held down and raped by 2 women and her boyfriend.

Both of these news stories take place on the Sunshine Coast (where I grew up).

In Melbourne (Where I live now)  a wall collapsed and killed someone.
This is the second time a wall has collapsed & killed someone this year.

In Syria, Chemical attacks kill hundreds.

So whilst I am thankful I live in a country that's not in the middle of a civil war...I am now wary of killer walls.

Sometimes I'm amazed that there are people who DON'T suffer from anxiety attacks and depression.

I think we're all aware it's not fine art.

Sometimes I get all like:
"My drawings are weird scribbles. 
They're not aesthetically pleasing all. 
I don't know how to paint or make things pretty. 
I have no technical knowledge of art. 
noone is going to commission me to paint a mural full of scribbles 
(I really want to paint a mural one day).
I cannot make things look realistic. 
People don't look at my drawings and go "Holy shit that's gobsmackingly wonderful!!!"

But hey, what I do is charming in its own scribbly way.

Here's the story...

I found the perfect course for me, Graphic Design at Shillington College.

However it's rather costly to enrol!
I was determined though, so I set off on an adventure to get enough money together. After some silly set backs and some serious set backs...

I am now back on track and I'm hoping you could help me achieve my dream.

I have been saving up for some time (4 years, on & off, because of the set backs...see video for more)
for this course and it is my goal to be enrolled THIS YEAR!

I'm pretty close to the amount I need, but I'm not going to be able to get enough together this year on my own. Which is why I'm putting it out there. If you have ever been inspired by my images on the Rebekah Lyn Photography facebook or my blog of cartoons about depression and anxiety "Saint Damascus", or if I've ever done some photography work for free or really cheap, this is your chance to pay it forward! or back! or whatever!

I need a cheeky $4500 to reach the total amount for the Course. If my parents were rich I wouldn't even ask you but they're we are.

Watch this outrageous video of me being ridiculous!

You can get a heap of stuff in return like stickers and pictures of things!