Corel Painter - 30 Day Trial

Hey Champs, I'm testing out this program called Corel Painter and basically it's all legit paints & paint brushes and stuff that real artists use on real paper (oil paints, water colour paints, charcoals & other materials) but they're on the COMPUTER!!!

So here are some experiments I've been busting out, mainly random faces that I scribble up in a couple of minutes.

I really like using "charcoal" because real charcoal freaks me out. The texture of charcoal gives me the creeps, also I get it on my hands then touch my face and walk around all day looking like Oliver Twist.

Charcoal faces.

Random Paint Experiments Faces

I don't even remember what I did with this, I think oil paint & charcoal settings? Breaking ALL the rules right here.

I've been watching a lot of Law & Order SVU lately, so I just so happened to accidentally draw Detective John Munch (as in I wasn't trying to draw him, I was just drawing another silly face like the ones above, and then bam, it's Munch.)
This is Munch really.

This is what I would expect to see from myself in grade 8 art class. This is not progress.
This is something that I'm working on, it's not finished yet (obviously) but I was playing around with colour & line options in the program. I'm still trying to get used to it.

So I've got about 23 days left on my 30 day trial and as much as I think this program is cool and stuff, I don't know if it's $200 worth of cool, especially considering all I do is dick around.

My Really Big Weekend.

Okay so I said on facebook I would blog about my weekend.
I didn't get to draw in everything I wanted so that you could fully understand the weekend that I had, but I got some of the main events... sorry about my scummy line work as well, I didn't perfect this piece because I just wanted to post it.
Impatience wins again!!

Other things about the weekend:
I drove a lot on the weekend, and driving makes me really anxious.
I photographed a lot on the weekend and that makes me really anxious too, because I want all of my photos to be perfect ALL OF THE TIME.
I spent A LOT OF MONEY on things like flowers, fabrics, grapes. I am now very poor.

So in between all of the things I was doing, and also during all of the things I was doing, I was in a constant state of anxiety.

Considering my weekends usually involve sleeping until 1pm then watching Law & Order SVU all afternoon...then all night, I really wasn't surprised that doing so much stuff freaked me out.

Here are some Instagrams of the things I did:

Flowers from the suspicious 24 hour Florist, Zanelli's.

Amazing Artist Sarah Holmes

Photographer Extraordinaire
Babed up.
Hair & Make up by LadyDay

Dress design sketch by Bekky.

So I was like Hey AtomicAnt can you make me this dress?
& AtomicAnt was like "Yep." and then she did.

Avocado is the cure.

Earlier in the year I posted a facebook status that got a pretty good response. I didn't intend it to be deep or meaningful, but it seemed to smack people in the face with profoundness or something, I dunno.

Here's the story & A cartoon, I drew myself with my old hair style.

9 January 2012

Today, I bought an avocado and it made me so happy. 

At first it made me a little happy, but then I remembered that 4 years ago I was so depressed I felt like I would never be happy again, I felt like my depression was eternal. 
But then I kicked depression's stupid butt and am so grateful that I can be happy over something so simple as an avocado. 

So if you're feeling depressed, remember it's not forever even though it feels like it, and then go buy yourself an Avocado.


I can't smell anything.
I have been really stupidly sick for the last 5 days. I don't get sick. Not five days worth of sick.
I have enough pharmacy drugs to start up my own Breaking Bad scenario.

I had all this important stuff I had to do as well.
People to meet, important things to discuss, appointments to get to.
My To-Do list died though.
It started dying the same time my head started to feel like it was expanding.